Struggling To Meditate? Try This..
Glowithgia's Top Tops:
Put your electronics in the other room to remove distractions
(If you like to listen to guided meditations then this step can be skipped.)
Burn a candle or some essential oils.
I personally find that Eucalyptus essential oil really helps me clarify my mind but you can use any scent you find comforting.
Consider what setting makes you feel best.
Do you enjoy being in natural light/sunlight or a dim room?
Is laying down or sitting more comfortable?
This is where you get to experiment and really create a cozy and undistracting atmosphere for yourself.
Have a shower/bath first.
This is something I love to do beforehand to unwind and really make sure I have nothing burdening my mind when I meditate.
Imagine yourself washing away all of the negativity and tension, let yourself feel light and unbothered when going into your meditative state.
Place crystals on/around you.
These are my new top 3:
Amethyst - (Place by crown chakra) Relieves stress, reduce headaches and bring calmness & clarity.
Citrine Stone - (Place by upper abdomen) Purges toxins, brings clarity and encourages creativity.
Selenite - (Place by crown chakra) Cleanses aura, provides emotional healing, relieves anxiety and abolishes negative energy.